OVERVIEWThe Public Sector Scorecard is an integrated strategy mapping, service improvement and performance measurement framework that has been used in six continents. It extends and adapts the balanced scorecard to fit the culture and values of the public and voluntary sectors and has been used in six continents.
The PSS focuses on outcomes – service user, strategic, financial and sustainability - the processes that lead to those outcomes, and the capability, behavioural and organisational factors that are needed to support staff and processes.
Click here for more information on How the PSS works. FEEDBACK ON THE PSS"The Public Sector Scorecard has moved performance management from a top-down, blinkered, blame-game approach to a system founded on inclusiveness, cooperation and understanding ... and that is no mean achievement". Neil Robinson, the Operational Research Society.
"The PSS was very helpful, as it enables one to see what's happening across the health and social care system and where the balance of risks lies." John Mothersole, Chief Executive, Sheffield City Council "Your model’s strength lies in that it is dynamic, unlike so many of the social enterprise models which have no system dynamics. Hurrah for Deming, Stafford Beer and all those system thinkers that have informed your work" John Carlisle, Systems Thinker, and author of Beyond Negotiation "The PSS is groundbreaking." Bob Penna, former Director of Research and Communications, New York Senate "The PSS strategy map captures a useful strategic overview of the key interrelationships and shows how measures relate to the whole systems view." Charles Price, Directorate General for Health and Consumers, European Commission “Having a regularly refreshed dashboard of system-wide indicators encompassing relevant NHS and social care pathways helped ensure quality discussion and decision-making at Programme Board meetings. And the fact that these had been developed through the involvement of service users and operational managers provided a level of assurance around their real world meaningfulness.” Steven Haigh, Director Primary Care, Sheffield FOR FURTHER FEEDBACK CLICK HERE |
LATEST NEWSTALK TO OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY, YORKShire & HUMBERSIDEMax Moullin gave a talk on Operational Research for Systemic Change: Improving implementation of OR Projects at Sheffield University, 17 October 2024 www.theorsociety.com/ORS/ORS/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=YHORGOCT24
talk at the festival of debate 16 april 2024Max Moullin spoke on the opening night of the UK Festival of Debate on Systemic Change: Improving Outcomes at Sheffield Hallam University on 16 April. A copy of the slides will be emailed to participants by the Festival of Debate. festivalofdebate.com
TALK AT US GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCE SUMMITMax Moullin spoke at the US Government Performance Summit GPS23 on 20-21 June 2022. His title was "Improving outcomes in health and elder care with the Public Sector Scorecard"
oNLINE WORKSHOPS for groups of 6-20Interactive online workshops on the PSS can be arranged for groups of 6-20 people at a special rate. If interested please email [email protected]
WORKSHOP ON Improving and evaluating services across organisational boundariesThese one day workshops are for people working in health and social care in the Midlands. Contact the NHS Midlands Decision Support Network for dates and further details.
WEBINAR FOR OR SOCIETYTo hear the Operational Research Society's February webinar on 22 February on Improving the Implementation rate of OR Projects given by Max Moullin, click on the link below.
performance instituteMax was recently appointed a Fellow of the Performance Institute, the US leading authority on performance-based management practices for government.
Feedback from vietnamThe PSS is a fruitful option for almost all public sector organisations to take notice of. It instructs the development of an organization in a sustainable manner with improved outcomes for service users and stakeholders. It fosters measures of performance that enable them to assure quality without galvanizing staff to reap arbitrary objectives leading to poor service. Huy, Pham & Phuc, Vu.
RECENT TALKS given by max moullinOvercoming challenges in deployment of OR projects at the 31st European Conference on Operational Research in Athens, July, 2021.
Using the PSS in Health and Social Care at the Performance Management Association conference PMA 2021 in June.
Improving and evaluating outcomes with the Public Sector Scorecard at the Society of Decision Professionals annual conference on April 14.
webinar from euro conferenceYou can see Max Moullin's recent webinar for the EURO working group on the Practice of Operational Research by clicking here. For a copy of the slides click here. The title was "From Snow Ploughs to Child Obesity. Overcoming challenges in the deployment of OR projects in the public sector".
USING THE PSS IN VIETNAMInteresting paper on integrating corporate social responsibility with the PSS with empirical evidence from Vietnam by Pham Quang Huy and Vu Kien Phuc, May 2020.
LIFE ON OUR PLANET: STRATEGY MAPSee strategy map based on David Attenborough's Life on Our Planet. This easily enables others to add to or challenge any of these elements and can then be used as a blueprint for increasing biodiversity and ensuring the survival of our species ...
NEW ON THIS WEB SITETwo new pages reflecting the use of the PSS in the current crisis: one on INTEGRATING RISK MANAGEMENT and one on USING THE PSS WITH ONLINE WORKSHOPS
AWARD FOR presentation ON IMPROVING SHEFFIELD'S HEALTH WITH THE PUBLIC SECTOR SCORECARDMax Moullin and John Soady (Public Health principal at Sheffield City Council) received special certificates at the Royal Society in London from the President of the Operational Research Society. This was for the paper 'Improving Sheffield's Health with the PSS' which was runner-up for the Operational Research Society's President's Medal.
BEST JOURNAL article on the PSSMoullin, M. (2017) "Improving and evaluating performance with the Public Sector Scorecard", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 66 Issue: 4, pp.442-458. Click here to download the paper. Over 700 downloads in one month!
article on flawed targets and the ambulance serviceArticle by Max Moullin in Public Finance on Flawed Targets and the Ambulance Service - A Happy Ending?
WHAT WE OFFERThe Public Sector Scorecard Research Unit provides consultancy, training and research research on strategy mapping, quality, service improvement and performance management in the Public and Voluntary Sectors.
For more information on our services click here or download our brochure. Please leave your contact details here to receive latest information or to become more involved in the work of the Centre. CONTACT USMax Moullin, Director,
Public Sector Scorecard Research Centre, Sheffield, S11 9SB Tel. 0775 350 9353 or 0114 236 4459 Email: [email protected] |