one day workshops on the public sector scorecardThese one day (or two half day) workshops will help you overcome the many pitfalls of performance management and measurement in the public and third sectors. You will learn about the balanced scorecard and strategy mapping as well as the Public Sector Scorecard.
They are ideal both for understanding how the PSS works and for getting insights into performance management in the public and third sectors based on a culture of improvement, innovation and learning, rather than a top-down blame culture. It will include several in-depth case studies and participants are encouraged to apply the concepts to their own organisations or departments. FEEDBACK on PREVIOUS WORKSHOPSMax facilitated the course very well and gave lots of examples for us all to relate to and understand. Senior manager, NHS Foundation Trust
Very good. Good knowledge and good presentation. Better than many consultants as Max was honest and down to earth and gave balanced analysis. Head of Performance Management, Local Authority Pleasant manner and good pace. Helpful answers to questions. Senior Information Analyst, Local Authority Well delivered input supported by strong knowledge base. Head of Corporate Planning and Performance, Fire and Rescue Service. FEEDBACK ON PLENARY TALKSMax recently spoke at the Irish Public Sector Finance & Efficiency Summit in November and was so well received, we just had to get him back for more - and this time for a full day, rather than just a 30 minute keynote address.
iQuest (organisers of his pre-summit masterclasses for the Irish Health Summit). Thank you for your wonderful contribution to our symposium and for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us and particularly for your insights on deliverology. Walter Zubrycky, Director, Performance Planning Exchange (PPX) Ottawa, Canada. Thank you for your presentation at our 20th anniversary symposium. The presentation was well received and you being there certainly helped us to have record number of attendees. Dana-Mae Grainger, Co-President, PPX, Ottawa. |
TALK TO OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY, YORKSHIRE & HUMBERSIDEMax Moullin spoke on OR for Systemic Change: Improving implementation of OR Projects at Sheffield University, 17 October 2024.
TALK AT THE FESTIVAL OF DEBATE 16 APRIL 2024Max Moullin spoke on the opening night of the UK Festival of Debate on Systemic Change: Improving Outcomes at Sheffield Hallam University on 16 April.
WEBINAR FOR OR SOCIETYTo hear the Operational Research Society's February webinar on 22 February on Improving the Implementation rate of OR Projects given by Max Moullin, click on the link above.
TALK AT THE GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCE SUMMIT (US)Max Moullin spoke at the US Government Performance Summit GPS23 in Alexandria, Virginia on 20-21 June 2022. His title was "Improving outcomes in health and elder care with the Public Sector Scorecard"
ONLINE WORKSHOPS FOR GROUPS OF 6-12Interactive online workshops on the PSS can be arranged for groups of 6-20 people at a special rate. If interested please email [email protected]
CONFERENCE TALKSMax Moullin spoke at several recent conferences. One was to the Performance Management Association International Conference in June on Using the PSS in Health and Social Care, while in July he gave a Making an Impact workshop to the 31st European Conference on Operational Research. He also presented a paper on Improving and evaluating outcomes with the Public Sector Scorecard at the Society of Decision Professionals annual conference in April.
RECENT TALKSWEBINAR FOR EURO CONFERENCE 26 OCTOBERFor a copy of the slides from Max Moullin's webinar for the EURO working group on the Practice of Operational Research on 26 October click here. The title was "From Snow Ploughs to Child Obesity. Overcoming challenges in the deployment of OR projects in the public sector".
OR SOCIETY PRESIDENT'S MEDALMax Moullin and John Soady (Public Health Principal at Sheffield City Council) presented a paper on 'Improving Sheffield's Health with the PSS' at OR60 the OR Society's Annual Conference at Lancaster University. which received a runner-up prize for the Operational Research Society's President's Medal. This is awarded to the best practical application of OR.
some EARLIER talksBefore the pandemic, Max Moullin presented the Yorkshire World Quality Day talk in Leeds. The talk was on Performance management without the blame: driving improvements in health and public services with the Public Sector Scorecard.
Seminar on Improving Quality and Performance with the PSS to 20 senior performance management professionals from Guangxi Autonomous Region. London.
Plenary talk at the annual conference of the Institute of Continuous Improvement in Public Services in York Max Moullin gave a 1.5 hour talk to 250 senior government managers at the 20th Canadian Performance and Planning Exchange symposium in Ottawa. The title of his talk was Performance management without the blame The Royal Society of Arts Creativity in Public Services Network hosted 'An evening with Max Moullin' on Tues 1 November at RSA House, London. Click here for feedback on the facilitated discussions. |